Tag Archives: Lead Apron Storage

x-ray aprons hanging on the lead apron rack

Protect Your Lead Aprons: A Guide to Proper Storage of Radiation Protection Apparel

Lead aprons are vital pieces of personal radiation protective equipment, ensuring the safety of healthcare professionals during various medical procedures that involves x-rays such as in interventional radiology, cardiology, medical imaging, dental X-rays, operating theatres, and many more.  However, the effectiveness of lead aprons in shielding individuals from harmful ionising radiation relies heavily on proper handling and […]

blue lead apron under c-arm table

Protect and Efficiently Organise Your Apron Accessories with AmRay’s New Add-Ons for Mobile Apron Racks

AmRay understands the importance of comprehensive radiation protection in all medical settings. That’s why we’re thrilled to expand our product line of high-quality storage solutions with innovative new products designed to keep all your essential radiation protective equipment such as lead aprons and accessories organised, accessible, and in optimal condition. 1. Keep Your Vision Clear […]